Cena Carlotta

She was born in Verona on February 24th, 1984. During her studies, she attended numerous academic councils holding the office of Chairman of the Students’ Council of the University of Verona from 2008 to 2010. In September 2010 she was awarded a Master’s degree in Economics and Business Legislation at the University of Verona. Since October she has been practicing for Studio Impresa during which time she has been training in the areas of accounting, taxation and corporate governance and accruing experience in company networks by working on many projects alongside Dr Luca Castagnetti. In 2014 she entered the Roll of Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors.

 As a member of the Studio staff she handles:
- accounting, tax, administration and corporate management for various categories of taxpayers and companies;
- establishment and management of company networks;
- Team leader of the #StudioImpresa4Young project.

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