Credit Protection

For a company it is essential that its credits be properly managed. Therefore, the Studio aims at assisting with due promptness its Clients as they are negotiating debt repayments as well as in the debt recovery stage by seeking, in the first place, an amicable out-of-court settlement (including through procedures other than litigation) and, where applicable, by commencing court sanctioned enforcement proceedings targeting the debtor’s personal or real properties or credits.
Operating procedures
In order to optimize the recovery of a debt it is necessary, in the first place, to analytically examine the debtor’s asset situation in order to understand the latter’s solvability level and assess, depending on the specific case, the appropriateness of one particular action compared to another.
Repayment negotiation
Before referring the case to the court, we try to arrive at an amicable settlement with the debtor by sending a notice to comply by registered letter or certified email. After this notice is received, the debtor may offer a delayed or partial payment and therefore enable the creditor to achieve an out-of-court debt recovery.
Debt recovery through the court
Where the notice to comply remains unanswered or if the negotiations aimed at an amicable settlement fail to have the debt repaid, it is necessary to seek an enforcement order (injunction or judgment) from the court to forcibly recover the debt. Once an enforcement order has been obtained, a range of execution measures may be applied, such as the seizure of personal property, the seizure of assets held by third parties or the confiscation of real estate that will enable the creditor to recover its debts through the earnings resulting from the sale.

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