Corporate crisis

The issue of corporate crisis is by its own nature an area where it is necessary to set up an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account corporate, financial, tax and legal aspects. Studio Impresa has set up a dedicated team and accrued specific expertise in this area by offering businesses facing a crisis the following services: 
  • Small-medium sized businesses facing difficulties: all entrepreneurs have the primary responsibility of restructuring at an early stage their business in financial embarrassment in order to prevent insolvency and continue operations. The service ‘Small-medium sized businesses facing difficulties’ is aimed at assisting companies that, during their life, are confronted with issues such as a market downturn or credit access denial, that hinder their operations. The service, customized according to the Client’s requirements, while ensuring immediacy and confidentiality, includes checking the economic-financial situation, developing operating scenarios and negotiating with credit institutions, employees and suppliers.
  • Access to the various pre-insolvency and insolvency procedures: this service is structured in three steps: 
  1. assistance in order to select the most appropriate legal instrument in view of the business requirements both in the pre-insolvency stage (loan consolidation and rescheduling, standstill agreements, covenant, recovery plan as per Sect. 67, paragraph. 3, letter d, of the Bankruptcy Law; restructuring Agreements as per Sect. 182-bis of the Bankruptcy Law, and in the insolvency stage (Composition with Creditors, Bankruptcy);
  2. drawing up of the most appropriate industrial plan to overcome the crisis with special focus on the more delicate relationships (credit Institutions, employees and suppliers);
  3. checking the accounting data required to draw up the economic-financial plan, including with the help of trusted professionals.

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