Civil Litigation, Mediation and Arbitration

The Studio boasts a twenty-year experience in the area of civil litigation and draws on its expertise and professional skills in the drawing up of records and courtroom exhibits.
In accordance with current legal requirements on the mandatory mediation and in the belief that pursuing outcomes other than litigation is a useful solution, the Studio has seized the opportunities offered by alternative dispute resolution procedures and the legal provisions that encourage the referral of disputes to arbitrators. The aim is to provide the Client with the best advice regarding the assessment of alternative dispute resolution procedures whilst taking into account financial, taxation, timeframe and confidentiality requirements.
Civil litigation
Our service, in the civil litigation stage, aims at supporting the Client in handling the complex proceedings before the Judicial Authority, beginning with the preliminary stage of determining the Client’s needs up to the hearing leading to judgment.

Operating procedures
Studio Impresa, with a view to providing its Clients with the best possible outcomes, has identified the following services:
  • Consulting at the Client’s premises or at the Studio
  • Analyzing the issues
  • Researching records
  • Analyzing the relevant Legislation and precedent
  • Drawing up the most appropriate deed including through teamwork
Mediation and arbitration
Our Mediation and Arbitration service, in view of the need to prevent as much as possible civil case, aims at providing the Client with new solutions such as Civil Mediation, which has become almost mandatory in numerous cases, Arbitration and other remedies provided by the law.
Operating procedures
StudioImpresa, by availing itself of a ‘customized’ operating method to deal with a dispute, offers the Client the following services:
  • Researching the most appropriate solutions to avoid litigation
  • Managing the non-litigation phase with an eye on costs
  • Compliance with confidentiality
  • Proactive attitude

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